smol snek - a new atari 8bit game

Smol snek is a game I started working on early October last year. I got motivated to write this game by watching a fellow atari geek on twitch, writing a Snake game in Atari BASIC. Around the same time Kodsnacks Tvåveckorssylt - #7 game jam was held, with Corruption as a theme.
Most of the development took place during first couple of months, where the game was completed to 90%. But as they say, the last 10% takes 90% of the time. After the Christmas holidays the development grind to a halt, and was not picked up until about a month ago. Since then I’ve implemented a secret level and made the high score table a bit more fancy.
This game have a special version made to use with the #FujiNet online high score feature. It tries to minimize the risk of overwriting scores from other players, and will load the scores from the server every time the high score list is displayed. This means the high score list will update to show other players scores while you are playing. Since I don’t have a TNFS myself, feel free to host the game on your on servers.
I hope you enjoy the game!
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